Pat's Health & Beauty Tips

monthly health articles and beauty tips

Thursday, May 04, 2006

RC Newsletter #3

Deep breathing is very important to good health. Not only does it move some extra oxygen into your body, but in addition the breathing and movement helps the proper functioning of the lymphatic system. The proper function of the lymphatic system helps the entire immune system to keep you healthy. Walking is also excellent for this purpose.

Deep Breathing Exercise

The art of Yogic breathing is called Pranayama. Pranayama offers many different approaches for cleansing the mind and body through breathing exercises.

Diaphragm Breathing.

Start breathing comfortably but deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Imagine that you are breathing from that area of your abdomen just beneath your belly button. Make the in-breath last to a count of 5 and the out-breath to a count of 6. Continue for at least 2 minutes and notice what happens. This 5:6 ratio seems to be a simple yet powerful way you can induce a relaxed state at will.

Deep Breathing Stretch

Sit or stand with your arms at your side. As you raise your arms, breath in deeply using the Diaphragm Breathing technique described above. Raise your arms straight out in front till they are level with the floor. Now as you exhale twist both your arms out to the left side of your body. Continue exhaling as you move your arms up and down 3 times. Your fingertips should move about 6 inches. This is a great exercise for keeping the lungs clear and increasing lung capacity.

This next breathing technique is referred to as the Breath of Fire.

Lie on your back and pant like a dog, breathing rapidly in and out through your mouth 20 times. Then, breathe slowly, deeply and gently in and out 20 times through your nose. Once again, do the mouth-panting 20 times, then resume gentle nose breathing.

These deep breathing techniques can be very powerfully utilized when wanting to get in control of your state. When you are going through a period of change, such as reducing your weight, stopping smoking or developing more confidence, this will help.

Please remember that most people don’t breathe nearly enough. Start to breathe more deeply and notice how much better you feel. Have lots of fun with this. Notice how good you can make yourself feel when you breathe differently.